Mother is a 11 1/2 lb. small poodle and Dad is a very small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Most recent 3 picks are taken at 16 weeks,
CKC Registered F1 Cavapoo Male born 8/22’24.
Vaccinations, vaccination record will be provided, wormed and will be on their record, and will have been for a visit to my veterinarian where his heart will be listed to, and a very thorough visual will be performed. They will be current on their vaccinations and started on NexGard before leaving me. They will be eating their PawTree dry kibbles very well.
Dew claws are removed. They will be handled multiple times daily; they hear my voice from early morning throughout the day. Exposure to potty pads will be provided, outside trips before 7 weeks to look, listed, and experience the smells of their world. Much time goes into getting a little guy ready to leave and be successfully prepared for a new home and family.
Their mother is a small Miniature+ Poodle, and dad is a small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
CALL OR TEXT 580-318-4337.
They are in Childress, Texas.